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Guangzhou Steel News: Gap aspects of light steel structure building line metal pressure plate

Time:[2015-8-29]  Hits:4692

Guangzhou Steel News: Gap aspects of light steel structure building line metal pressure plate

Line is the embodiment of the most unique architectural style characteristic of light steel structure, this well-proportioned lines, or horizontal or vertical, so that light steel structure building full of smooth metallic finish, and compared to traditional concrete construction in sharp contrast, reflect the intense atmosphere of modern industry. However, domestic companies often inadvertently damaged building this line, and makes the overall image of the building dull, dull.
Setting unreasonable wall lighting window is the main reason this line is damaged. As mentioned above, the domestic design mostly architectural design using the method after the first construction design. In architectural design, in order to consider architectural lighting, set in the wall a lot of lighting window. This lighting window although to meet the needs daylight, but in the building but damaged the wall line shape. In fact, light steel structure construction, since the extensive use of daylighting roof lighting board, thereby reducing the number of window walls, so that you can be very effective both to ensure architectural lighting without damaging the wallboard lines. Guangzhou Steel


Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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