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Guangzhou Steel News: Steel domicile pressure plate concrete composite floor system

Time:[2015-8-26]  Hits:4748

Guangzhou Steel News: Steel domicile pressure plate concrete composite floor system

Because floor 1.5 hours to meet fire safety requirements, which shall be poured on 80 thick concrete, the choice of dish steel sheeting slab thickness will reach 130 ~ 150mm, and is used when the resident of construction, interior subject to the ceiling, such as the choice of fresh buckle type of pressure plate slab thickness can be reduced to 110mm, can be used for steel shelter baraeck the BD-40 type Energizer button pressure plate, which rib height of only 40mm, and the mouth is closed, you do not need to do the ceiling, only bandages need to be affixed in the crevice. Because the composite slab bears a passing level of force, and therefore the pressure plate girder and should set the necessary convergence at stud, consider the combined action of steel beams and floor design, it can significantly improve the bearing capacity and stability of the beam, effective reduce the high beam. Usually a combination of the lower part of the floor without additional reinforcement, but there are dynamic loads and relatively humid area, the lower floor still needs to cultivate the necessary structural steel. But the combination of floor should meet the requirements weighted standardized impact sound pressure level of less than 75dB. Abroad, floor insulation requirements have become increasingly important in the design of the residence. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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