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Guangzhou Steel tells you: seismic structural measures single steel plant

Time:[2015-8-22]  Hits:4179

Guangzhou Steel tells you: seismic structural measures single steel plant

1. The roof structural measures
Basically the same seismic structural measures single steel plant roof and reinforced concrete columns plant.
2. columns, beams structural measures
In order to prevent instability when the earthquake pillars, the slenderness ratio should not exceed column
To control column, beam section does not appear local buckling, single structural columns, Beam plate thickness ratio limits shall comply with the relevant provisions of the existing "Steel Design Code" GB50017 elastic stage design of steel structures, there are specified in the table below. Member web thickness ratio can be reduced by longitudinal stiffeners setting.
3. Column cross between structural measures supported
When there is a crane, the plant should be set up between the central unit and down the column support, and should be added at the plant unit on both ends of the column support; 7 degrees when the structural unit is longer than 120m, while 8,9 of the structural units of length greater than 90m, preferably in unit 1/3 Central Zone within the setting up and down between two columns support. No crane plant smaller cross-section longitudinal members, between columns do not necessarily have the necessary support is provided in the middle.
Conditional, inter-column support energy dissipation can be supported. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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