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Guangzhou Steel News: Large fire retardant paint bulge effect progress and development of steel

Time:[2015-8-15]  Hits:4735

Guangzhou Steel News: Large fire retardant paint bulge effect progress and development of steel

Expansion of large steel structure fire retardant effect is a common outcome of a chemical reaction occurs through organic coordination of the components. Its fire-retardant insulation principle mainly through the following ways:
(1) dehydration carbon catalyst such as ammonium polyphosphate and other thermal decomposition of acid;
(2) polyhydroxy charring agent such as pentaerythritol at high temperatures and acid-catalyzed dehydration decomposed into carbon;
(3) the polymer matrix material is heated and melted foaming swell under the effect of a blowing agent such as melamine effect under further swell carbonized layer is formed.
Expansion of large steel structure fire by the fire in the case, the thickness rapidly swell to several times its original up to two times, honeycomb or sponge-like form of carbonaceous layers of fire retardant effect on steel can be grouped into three main areas:
(1) barrier effect, highly swollen carbonized layer capable of being protected by steel played a good air, heat isolation effect, and effectively reduce the surface temperature of the steel structure, steel structure fire support extending the time;
(2) an endothermic effect, softening the polymer coating, melting, swelling and physical changes after charring layer coating thermal decomposition of the components, evaporation and carbonization will absorb a lot of heat, and effectively reduce the surface temperature of the steel structure ;
(3) termination of combustion, the components of the decomposition of various types of thermal coating nonflammable gas can play the effect of diluting the oxygen concentration, and can capture free radicals generated by combustion, then be useful to prevent burning. Coordination effect of these three processes, and ultimately makes the expansion of large steel structure fire fire show useful effect. Guangzhou Steel
Expansion of large steel structure fire after years of development, has achieved some results, some of the products has begun commercial production. However, the problems and deficiencies still exist, there are many needs to explore uncharted territory. Future expansion of large steel structure fire will develop towards the following aspects:
(1) improve environmental stability, specifically, the expansion of large steel structure fire paint not only has a good fire performance, but should have an excellent environmental stability, its anti-chemical corrosion, anti-UV irradiation and other properties directly affect the life. Therefore, the current expansion of large-scale environmental stability is fireproof coatings can not be ignored research priorities;
(2) Environmental-friendly expansion of large steel structure fire, it will be a new selling point. With the improvement of citizens' quality of life requirements, fire retardant paint their chemical toxicity, the toxicity of the combustion products are generated is an important aspect in the future should be thinking of the Institute;
(3) improve the fire resistance, which is an important performance of all fire protection coatings have been pursuing, swelling large fireproof coatings improve the fire resistance of more than one minute, the protection of life and property of the people can count on, thus improving the fire resistance Always focus of the study;
(4) large-scale expansion of nano-modified fireproof coatings of development, which is a modification of the recent rise in the direction of the coating, the inorganic functional nano-particles are dispersed in the coating to improve the fire resistance of the coating will be much better than the ordinary inorganic nanoparticles, then get high-performance expansion of large-scale steel structure fire. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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