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Guangzhou Steel teach you: construction steel structure engineering control points

Time:[2015-7-23]  Hits:4663

Guangzhou Steel teach you: construction steel structure engineering control points

1 steel construction in high strength bolt connection. Even the quality of high-strength bolts is an important factor affecting the quality of steel, high-strength bolts product manual torque coefficient is the calibration value at room temperature, and the many factors affecting the torque coefficient, such as: ambient temperature, the final twist time, tightening speed, in particular, the maximum ambient temperature, under normal circumstances, the product manual torque coefficient is the calibration value at room temperature, in negative temperature should be re-calibrated, otherwise, based upon the value of the specification to control, it is possible to produce tensile stress of the bolt insufficient, reducing the safety of the structure, or leading to bolt tightening, affect the safety of the structure.
2 warm winter negatively welding. Winter negative temperature soldering temperature and room temperature are very different, in the welding of welder training to master the negative temperature welding under the law, and request instructions for baking of the electrode and dried before use, ability to ensure the welding quality assurance structure Safety.
3, the development of winter construction safety measures. Construction in winter low temperatures, are more factors lead to accidents, construction will be enacted before the winter construction safety measures, equipped with the necessary security products, construction workers safety education, especially high-altitude operations and special types of education, and to strengthen the on-site construction management work to ensure the safety of construction projects. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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