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Guangzhou Steel teach you: Preparation before the installation of steel color plate

Time:[2015-7-1]  Hits:4211

Guangzhou Steel teach you: Preparation before the installation of steel color plate

1, primary and secondary component inspection system is Homogeneous Steel, Steel correction is completed.
2. Check all bolts connecting surface groove is broken or tight.
3. Check up painting steel work is completed.
4. Check whether the purlins straight, whether to meet the installation.
5, to review whether the length of color steel roof and wall panels with row view and purchase orders match.
6, testing all kinds of material income side of size, thickness, quantity and form of compliance with the requisition.
7, test parts self-tapping screws, rivets, sealing clay, gutter bracket, PE seals.
8. Check whether the appearance of color plates forming scratches wear, distortion, pollution, color, etc. Qiaojiao.
10, the preparation of color plates and molding installation program.
11, when the molding is not installed stacked on the roof trusses, all its plate of ribs facing upward, the board should move in the same direction (male and female engaging ease of installation), and nylon cord or rope secured to the steel of the main member on the roof across the steel beams stacked near each column can not be placed in the center purlins. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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