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Guangzhou Steel News: heavy-duty coatings on ocean waves splash area steel protection

Time:[2015-6-24]  Hits:4704

Guangzhou Steel News: heavy-duty coatings on ocean waves splash area steel protection

The marine environment is a very serious steel corrosion environment, according to the marine environment on the corrosion mechanism of steel structures, it can be divided into the marine environment, atmospheric zone, splash zone, tidal zone, immersion zone and mud areas. Wei Sheng Zhi Hua corrosion technician found that, because there are differences in the districts corrosion factor, leading to differences in steel corrosion along the longitudinal speed, the study shows that the ocean splash zone corrosion due to a variety of factors combined effect results in the highest corrosion rate, mainly above sea splash zone due to the harsh conditions of stress corrosion, corrosion is often the worst part.


Heavy duty coating on steel marine waves splash zone protection

    Which means in the splash zone of seawater above the mean high, because tides, winds and waves caused by alternating wet and dry parts of the steel structure. The sea is a very complex system, splash zone is often saturated sea water wetting, higher surface concentration of the electrolyte; higher temperatures sunshine; the oxygen-rich splashed shock and alternating wet and dry, the impact of floating objects, contact with seawater When the surface bubbles burst huge impact caused damage to the material surface and corrosion protection layer and exacerbate corrosion, Chi Shing Wai Wah anti-corrosion coating technology officer says that most steel materials in this area corrosion strongest protection against corrosion and also the most easily. Steel for the splash zone, above the waterline and below the waterline part want to compare, water part of the cathode, anode underwater, electrochemical corrosion performance is also increased security waterline steel structures.

    For the implementation of the marine steel protective coating is the most economical and effective method, but the protective coating surface treatment requirements, and the coating is generally used long-term impact is difficult to meet the requirements of the steel structure surface in service must meet Painting necessary requirements, for Beijing Hua Wei Sheng Zhi Joint Forces Research Institute of Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. jointly developed the needs of Chi Shing Wai Wah Guangzhou Steel inorganic anti-corrosion coating for highly corrosion equipment, using the world's most advanced cutting-edge technology antiseptic, inorganic polymer chelating into membrane solution to silicon group -Si-O-Si- bond based, grafted as a side chain organic alkyl adjuvant, and then has a hydroxyl-terminated chain chelating corrosion film formers, chelating the key on the silicon atom bonded hydroxyl, alkyl ternary good synergy, solution stability, reducing the impact on the polymer inside the film-forming material more compact, strong adhesion, high temperature.

    Meanwhile weathering, corrosion resistance, acid rain, the coating can cover good coating performance, easy to repair, coating flexibility is good and has excellent ductility, impact resistance and anti-vibration effect of a good performance advantages, can low temperature curing. Steel suitable for marine environment protection. Because Guangzhou Steel inorganic anti-corrosion coatings anticorrosive pigments are highly decentralized activation of passivated metal particles, nano-scale graphite, nano-metal oxide bisexual, ultra-fine superfine powder and other components. Wei Sheng Zhi Hua inorganic anti-corrosion coating through the activation of these anticorrosive pigments, corrosion is able to play in enhancing the role of polarization corrosion, acid and alkali corrosion resistance is high, and played a very good and prevent the substrate potential role of elevated , but also to avoid the presence of the coating pinhole, high coating hardness, wear resistance, impact resistance, acid aging long time, that is a good anti-galvanic corrosion.

    Guangzhou Steel inorganic paint coating anticorrosive coating film-forming solution through inorganic polymer chelating anticorrosive pigments and highly activated form of rapid reaction with the surface material objects atom or ion binding, generate a physical, chemical, electronic triple protection protective effect, by a chemical bond, ionic bond with the substrate surface strongly bound. For physical corrosion of the substrate, chemical resistance, electrical corrosion are well protected base effect. This heavy-duty coatings technology can extend the service period of the offshore large steel facilities, reduce maintenance costs, save resources and improve the durability of structures, to extend the life of steel. Inorganic anti-corrosion coating on the exposed parts of the ocean waves splash zone steel facility with a wide range of adaptability.

    Corrosion of steel in marine environment facilities waves splash zone is the most serious, but also marine corrosion weakest link in the current. Waves splash zone corrosion of the steel structure of the overall lifetime plays a decisive role, not only will all kinds of infrastructure, equipment and structures corrosion damage and loss of function, shorten the service life of materials and structures, causing huge resources, materials and energy waste; but also lead to sudden catastrophic events, such as the oil spill caused by pollution of the marine environment, and even cause injury or death. Therefore strategic marine anti-corrosion technology development and promotion, the protection of the blue ocean economy healthy and orderly development and construction significance extraordinary.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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