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Guangzhou Steel tells you: steel construction with brick and concrete structure comparison

Time:[2015-5-23]  Hits:4965

Guangzhou Steel tells you: steel construction with brick and concrete structure comparison

Superiority (a) steel structure functions
1, construction material isotropic, consistent mechanics is assumed to improve the design accuracy.
2, the construction of resettlement flexible. Lightweight, high strength, easy to complete large-span structure and messy. Under the same circumstances girder, steel structure comparable concrete bay is 50%.
3, seismic function well. The total mass of small build, small seismic force, and good ductility. Previous earthquake have proved this point.
4, easy to ensure quality. Since the factory manufacture high precision, compared with concrete, structural design more in line with demand.
5 to give the room rate. Because of the small member section, the construction area, the structure occupies somewhat less.
6, easy to change. Housing design and construction, a change in the owners demand easily accomplished.
Superiority (b) economic function
1, light weight steel structure, the cost can be reduced basis, in soft soil area advantage is particularly evident.
2, high strength, small cross-section corresponding to beams and other components can be added to the construction of the effective use of an area of ​​5 to 7 percent. Add Housing intrinsic value.
3, the construction speed, shorter duration than 40%. It can build earlier put into use, so that the property's cash flow to speed up the opening close to 1 times, while the cost of funds also declined significantly.
4, under the same conditions floor clear height, steel structure to maintain a small wall area, saving energy needed for air conditioning. Reduce maintenance costs.
5, dry construction, to avoid the risk of contamination of the environment.
6, light weight steel structure construction, building materials integrated and low transportation costs. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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