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Guangzhou Steel News: Steel domicile force Improved residence

Time:[2015-5-13]  Hits:5066

Guangzhou Steel News: Steel domicile force Improved residence

This year's government work report pointed out the need to "support the improvement of the residents own homes and shelter needs," market regulation is expected to ease a sudden warming, but the New Deal of fast speed, this one is beyond expectations mall. Guangzhou Steel

The central bank, the Ministry of Housing, China Banking Regulatory Commission jointly issued a notice, and accordingly has a shelter home loans outstanding of households buy second homes, the minimum down payment ratio of not less than 40%. Use the residence fund loan to buy the first set of ordinary residence from a minimum down payment of 20%; has a residence and has been home to settle the loan application shelter fund buyers again, the minimum down payment of 30%.

Analysts pointed out that the New Deal to lift the first suite and two suites financial leverage, will contribute fully warmed up just to be modified type and shopping centers. Property higher value-added "quality" route will regain the favor of the mall, while standardization and large-scale model of its generic products also ushered in a new round of strategic opportunities cage for a bird.

Refresh residence green "color value"

Whether developers or buyers, all that the New Deal benefits are clear, and developers and buyers have accelerated the schedule to push the goods and buy a house. New Deal affected, the industry average increase in turnover on the property market have greater confidence. For buyers, the policy of good will greatly reduce purchase threshold, will promote numerous Chibidaigou buyers, especially those with improved demand for the purchase of professional people to re-ignite the enthusiasm home.

The buyers for the house, "Yan value" of expectations, but also for the property market before the indecisive reassures. Marketing Director of a real estate company, told reporters before the company is now ready to consider the government position during the two sessions, most domestic companies are doing to improve the product. Earn by land value and profitability of real estate's financial leverage has now ended, the house upgrades to improve quality refresh "Yan value" in order to more easily and buyers mix.

In this case, the 11th General Assembly held recently Chinese green building on the eco-city, the construction of energy-saving large data to green smart city design, Big Data's under construction in various fields of development and other topics by the new hot, causing the industry attention. According to the plan, this year, China will add more than 300 million square meters of green construction, and this ambitious approach doubled in a year, bring a lot of opportunities for restructuring and development of the related companies.

Steel is a typical representative of green construction. "In the construction of the whole life cycle, steel maximum limit to save resources, energy, land, water, materials, protect the environment and reduce pollution." China's first listed company Hangxiao Steel (600,477, stock it), chairman of single Silver Wood told reporters, "green" putting the word steel increase the added value of the residence, the same also in the minds of buyers gain a lot of points.

"Corner meet love" into the normal

Some analysts believe the housing market and other incentives improved policy mix boxing let housing inspiring, but really stimulate a wave of housing market demand just is investment demand for the construction industry's long-term bullish trend is expected, but not the New Deal that strong medicine " efficacy "after the return of ups and downs.

The roller coaster of the stock market in the future or the mall will become history. Reporters found that, with the new urbanization continues to advance to the depth in the field, the current residence industrialization projects of steel as the representative of the government has been put on the agenda. A series of "hard trick real trick" being released dividend investor confidence - "the implementation of views on accelerating the development of green building" and "national green building program of action", the new "green building evaluation criteria" have been introduced, is boosting construction Mall real estate industry and create new wealth "depression." Publicly available data, currently only main steel structure manufacturing output had more than 60 billion yuan.

Transformation and upgrading of tide, the company mall "Corner meet love" has become the norm. Hangxiao single silver wood, chairman, told reporters that it has manufactured and installed by steel, green building materials, general contracting, engineering and consulting services, real estate, five industrial sectors, began to build good industry "aircraft carrier." According to reports, Hangxiao latest technology "steel beam combiner residence architecture", "Ferro-truss floor boards" and "CCA board and associated grouting wall technology system" and a number of patented technologies are used in steel construction projects, a new round of development of technology to become the industry benchmark.

Single silver wood show in Guangzhou Steel standardized design, industrialized production and assembly of the construction and decoration and other features to promote integration, the real estate mall accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity, accelerate industrial restructuring, accelerate its new channels, adjust the structure and the formation of steady growth combination of benefits, but also in the "improved" select an important step.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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