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Guangzhou Steel News: Open youth, a total growth of steel

Time:[2015-5-9]  Hits:4770

Guangzhou Steel News: Open youth, a total growth of steel

Value taken 96 anniversary on the occasion of the May Fourth Movement, a branch of the United Steel and design branch on the theme of "open youth Dream Future" souvenir Youth Day activities.

Mission Branch's first-born according to all the participants of this event will be divided in order to "80s", "85 years", "90s" Three teams, Branch's show at daggers drawn. The whole event by the "five four youth talk show", "54 Q & A", "54 Youth talent show" three links. Representatives of the various groups were elaborated in the eyes of their generation's spirit of youth, the time the river stream, every generation has its spirit and values ​​of young people each year, will in their own conditions which the plan's life, create Historically, each of the speakers to play both unique insight, indeed contending. Q & emotionally, each team member heads together to think, not only recalled the May Fourth Movement back and forth in my mind in the course of the answer, more importantly, to learn the essence of the spirit of the May Fourth Movement, continue to carry forward the new era of the May Fourth Movement spirit. The final part of the talent show finale of this event, representatives from each group were presented their good brush calligraphy, writing the theme of the event is "open youth, Dream the future."

Activities in the harvest fun, but also for young people on a branch of a profound lesson, in the studious youth branch, virtue, shrewd, sincere and work hard, solid officer, earth person, the enterprise Steel dreams and dream motherland China combined total growth and Steel, after persistent efforts, the steel construction faster and better the world's most competitive steel industry group. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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