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Steel residential usher new opportunities

Time:[2015-4-29]  Hits:4791

Steel residential usher new opportunities

Green Building Congress recently held in various fields of eco-city, building energy-saving large data, smart city design and other topics by hot. According to the plan this year, China will add more than 300 million square meters of green building, goal doubled last year, opportunities for the development of related enterprises.

Steel is a typical representative of green building. "In the whole life cycle of the building, steel structures to maximize the conservation of resources, protect the environment and reduce pollution." China's first listed company Hangxiao steel single silver wood chairman told reporters, "Green" putting the word promoted steel housing the added value, the same buyers also increased a lot of points in mind.

With new urbanization to continue to promote the depth field to steel as the representative of the housing industry projects are put on the government agenda, "to speed up promoting the development of green building implementation of views", "national green building program of action", the new " Green building rating standards "have been introduced.

Transformation and upgrading of the wave, the enterprise market, "Corner meet love" has become the norm. Hangxiao has passed the steel fabrication and installation, green building materials, general contracting, engineering and consulting services, real estate, five industrial sectors, began to build a complete industrial "aircraft carrier." According to reports, a number of patented technologies application Hangxiao latest technology "steel beam combiner structure residential system", "cca grout wall panels and related technical system", a new round of development of technology to become the industry benchmark.

Single silver wood, said the steel structure standardized design, industrialized production and assembly of the construction and decoration, and other characteristics of integration driven. Market to accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity, accelerate industrial restructuring, in favor of new channels, in the "improvement type" select an important step.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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