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China Henan bench building inventory

Time:[2015-4-15]  Hits:4908

China Henan bench building inventory "weird" building

Abstract: [Henan bench building inventory in China "weird"] Why is China building in recent years, there are so many strange building for local city managers, those willing to build floor throwing money at local land owners, and that? a warm welcome, which Guan Dele style is not style, and the surrounding architectural environment of harmony disharmony. Too superstitious Western architectural design pioneer, that the city's landmarks must be a foreign designers, and made strange, called with the world, called the city's international norm is another misunderstanding, lack of confidence is rooted in the need From the presence of foreigners there looking. A CD of money, a unique ocean, are big problems in our city manager. It is understood that, "the bench building" is one of "9 + 1" key projects in Hebi City, Henan Province's first landscape building across the road, covers an area of ​​41 acres, with a total construction area of ​​about 90,000 square meters, with a total investment of about 450 million Yuan, a height of about 86 meters by two buildings across the Zhujiang sides, like "Dragon" shape.
April 13, Qishui Qibin Hebi City, Henan Road and Zhujiang Road Interchange, a building is nearing completion of high-rise buildings standing across the street, looks exactly like a bench, attracted through the public have gathered to watch, repeatedly amazed. It is understood that, "the bench building" is one of "9 + 1" key projects in Hebi City, Henan Province's first landscape building across the road, covers an area of ​​41 acres, with a total construction area of ​​about 90,000 square meters, with a total investment of about 450 million Yuan, a height of about 86 meters by two buildings across the Zhujiang sides, like "Dragon" shape.
What contemporary China "weird" building?
In recent years, "weird" architecture can be described as overwhelming, do not believe it can help you inventory Jun island some months.
CCTV new building "big pants" is a household name, without saying. And it looks like there is a par "Qiuku" Suzhou "Eastern Gate" and is called "the toilet lid" Huzhou Sheraton Hotel.
Another Beijing Galaxy SOHO, Shenyang, such as the ancient Chinese coins radius of the building, Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group factory district office bottle shape, the shape of "Gods" Samsung colorful Yanjiao Emperor Hotel and so on.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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