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HZMB Qingzhou Channel Bridge yesterday completed a giant steel erection

Time:[2015-3-21]  Hits:4717

HZMB Qingzhou Channel Bridge yesterday completed a giant steel erection

Yesterday, the largest domestic steel giant "Chinese knot" subject successful installation on the bridge 56 bridge projects Qingzhou Channel Bridge pier pylon.

Qingzhou Channel Bridge is the largest span of the bridge, the main tower highest navigable spans, the two tower using H-frame tower, on behalf of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao three places in Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai, the knot-shaped tower brace Set in the tower between the tower two, the "Chinese knot" style, meaning the three closely together.

In January, Qingzhou Channel Bridge Pylons 56 #, 57 # round victory tower construction of two 163-meter high giant two main tower proudly stands on Lingdingyang. Subsequently, Cheng Jianqing Channel Bridge in the state to pay two public office builders going all out, continuous fighting, in February this year, the success of lifting 56 knot-shaped pier support the first stage (J3 segment).

Giant "Chinese knot" main steel members yesterday, lifting the box-shaped structure, 21 meters high and about seven storeys high, weighs 250 tons, is the largest "Chinese knot", but also China will be the first "Chinese knot" used on the bridge landmark iconic styling.

According to reports, the giant steel "Chinese knot" hoisting installation in no country can learn from the experience, especially the weight reached 250 tons of giant "Chinese knot" floating mounted between 130 meters away from the tower at the ground, for the lifting, installation , place is a big problem.

Faced with many challenges, in a post office two public companies participating in the construction of all projects department personnel innovation, give full play to everyone's intelligence, with a more responsible attitude, more hard work to face the subsequent construction, knot-shaped support to ensure a smooth installation carry out. Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and other relevant units labeled SB03 also stopped construction site office.

Eventually, yesterday 13:00, which lasted three hours of fighting, builders overcame fog weather, the successful completion of weighing 250 tons of steel erection for HZMB first "Chinese knot" embroidered under the critical one "needle."

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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