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Foshan steel construction industry - steel case study: Green Star Building Materials

Time:[2015-1-28]  Hits:4924

Foshan steel construction industry - steel case study: Green Star Building Materials

The main content

The topic for the steel building for a more in-depth research, including the following sections:

1. Definition of steel construction, use and analyze the advantages and disadvantages.

For steel construction gives the basic concepts and different classifications. And its widespread use in the field will be described. Advantages and disadvantages of the presence of the main points were elaborated.

Domestic and foreign steel building 2. Current situation and market outlook analysis.

Contrast steel construction in booming economies such as the US and Japan, and to carry out the situation in our country, and so the proportion of steel buildings, highlighting the gap. And points to the future of China's steel market depth analysis applications from foreign orders and domestic urbanization two levels to find value and potential.

3. Industry favorable conditions and unfavorable factors in the analysis carried out.

Were carried out favorable and unfavorable factors facing the raw material supply, project cost, land supply, policy support and other aspects of industry analysis. Because of the construction industry to carry out government policy guidance by large factors, points of policy factors were analyzed.

The steel plate and analyze the fundamentals of listed companies.

Respectively, from the steel sector as a whole and the two levels of listed companies covered fundamental analysis of steel structures. Including surplus capacity, operational capacity and solvency in three areas. In the middle of the plate into the competitive landscape analysis, analysis of trade barriers and bargaining power. Added ability to grow and valuation analysis of listed companies in the analysis of.

5. Steel Plate investment ideas.

In order to give a reasonable investment proposition, respectively, from the production side, the construction side, the building development company focused on the preferred side given concerns. In addition, with the demonstration project and already have overseas engineering business of the company, as has the first mover advantage, is also given to rationalize the investment proposition.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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