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Foshan Steel: steel structure fire retardant paint coating application methods Introduction

Time:[2015-1-17]  Hits:4864

Foshan Steel: steel structure fire retardant paint coating application methods Introduction

Different fireproof paint coating method is slightly different, but the basic coating process is similar. Below TN-LG fireproof coatings to illustrate the technical requirements of fireproof paint coatings.
TN-LG is a modified high temperature inorganic binder with expanded vermiculite, perlite and other heat-absorbing, heat insulation and fire protection coating material to enhance a chemical additives and synthetic materials.
(1) before painting steel components should be thoroughly rust treatment, it is best to brush the rust, so as not to appear and there will be a new rust before spraying fire retardant paint, should remove surface dust and dirt before spraying.
(2) coating the ambient temperature should be maintained at above 0 ℃, no drafts.
(3) the use of spray paint spraying equipment, each coating thickness of 5 ~ 10MM, separated by a 2 ~ 8H spraying until the required thickness so far, local repair manual wiping available.
(4) two-component coating, according to the ratio requirements before spraying the A, B two components deployed evenly. When deployed, the first dilute material into the mixer mixing 3 ~ 5MIN, then pour in the powder, such as 20 ~ 26KG mixing the material to the desired consistency can be sprayed.
Note: The painting should pay attention to this kind of two-component coating after mixing, paint curing faster, mixing time should be controlled within 10MIN, stirring after spraying within 20MIN, high summer temperatures should be faster.
(5) prepare cured and maintenance. Just spray the coating should avoid rain shower, room temperature coatings cured within 48 ~ 96H.
(6) paint stored at 4 ~ 40 ℃, not on the outside storage or exposure to the sun. Paint is valid for six months.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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