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Fireproof coatings Selection of Problems

Time:[2015-1-10]  Hits:4938

Fireproof coatings Selection of Problems

Fireproof coatings selection major problems:

1, when the selection is often overlooked environmental requirements and nature of the use of the building.

2, open-air steel by sun and rain, the upper or top-rise steel buildings when the use of translucent panels, sun exposure, environmental conditions are harsh, should be used in outdoor fireproof paint. Fourth, only to meet the technical performance requirements of interior paint for outdoor use. Designers tend to be marked on a simple steel structure fire protection measures, can not be described in detail choose which type of fireproof coatings, simply consider the price in the construction, aesthetics and other problems caused by improper selection of the phenomenon of fire-resistant coating .

3, ultra-thin fireproof coatings has become China's research and production units fireproof coatings of competition in the development of hot, ultra-thin fireproof coatings generally solvent-based systems, as compared with the thick and the thin coating steel structure fire , ultra-thin fireproof coatings decorative better, thinner coating, used in the project is greatly reduced, thereby reducing the total cost of the project, is currently on the market to promote the breed.

Appeared in fire protection engineering steel one-sided pursuit of increasingly thin coat phenomenon, one-sided promotion of ultra-thin coating of the phenomenon, which is to provide effective and reliable security for building extremely unfavorable. Because ultra-thin fireproof coatings mainly rely on the physical and chemical reactions of organic components in the formulation work, any factors that affect the nature of paint charring expansion will affect the final fire performance, it is difficult to ensure that a long time after the coating can 2.0h above provide fire protection for components.


Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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