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Structural design knowledge: Common steel node type design which fast way to learn?

Time:[2015-1-10]  Hits:4782

Structural design knowledge: Common steel node type design which fast way to learn?

Steel common node type design which fast way to learn?
Not too much contact with steel, the main difficulty for the joint design can not easily grasp is that the node size of each plate and weld, bolt size, number, and other parameters of mutual restraint. According to the existing conditions are not only able to design an optimal outcome. After a few parameters need to be calculated assuming that the other parameters. May repeatedly spreadsheet. Even very experienced person who could do the same node twice, and often not the same.
Two quick way to learn common node type steel design
1. "Steel Design Manual connected to the node" a detailed formula for calculating requirements and so on. Recommended to find himself experiencing actual node, according to the manual to do the design. When you try to assume a different design parameters (for example, different columns foot plate length and width, different stiffener thickness), originally selected parameters is unreasonable, the other parameters are derived, is always encounter or can not be calculated or violate norms construction requirements of the situation. Repeated spreadsheet, even if all requirements are met, you can continue to try to change the parameters. Then realize they are different.
2. MTStool rely on it to do the design and possibly inadequate, but it is definitely worth recommending learning node design good software. For its node type covered try to fill different parameters, you can instantly give at irregularities. Change the parameters of the process is to enhance the learning process. Note that the nodes themselves with the actual encounter, reasonable cross-section + reasonable internal force is designed node premise. Otherwise, like the title wrong, the solution will be more confused, not conducive to learning.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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