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Structural design knowledge: steel seismic calculation of damping ratio choose how much?

Time:[2015-1-7]  Hits:5071

Structural design knowledge: steel seismic calculation of damping ratio choose how much?

Steel seismic calculation of damping ratio choose how much?
In case of more than one computing earthquake under highly desirable when not more than 50m 0.04; height greater than 50m and less than 200m, desirable 0.03; the height of not less than 200m, should take 0.02.
2 When the eccentric portion of the support frame to bear seismic overturning moment when the structure is greater than 50% of the total seismic overturning moment, the damping ratio (1) of this section corresponding increase in comparable 0.005.
3 Under rare earthquake elastic-plastic analysis desirable damping ratio 0.05.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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