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Foshan Steel: Steel construction of the

Time:[2014-12-24]  Hits:5227

Foshan Steel: Steel construction of the "Belle Epoque"

Ren Zhiqiang, chairman of Huayuan Real Estate on (micro-Bobo-off) of the "departure", the media will be positioned in 2014, "veteran developers" farewell the first year, which means that real estate developers of "regime change" is come, this can not help but think that with veteran developers leave the real estate market may have to undergo a major transformation, the construction of reinforced concrete structure gradually reduced, and steel construction will be popular, or associated with steel industry will welcome come true "beauty" and "good" golden age.

Like Electric's alternative steam era, the Internet's subversive Electric's like evolution's no blocking. Because of this, steel reinforced concrete construction of an alternative construction of the "big change" is brewing among the basis that the construction of China's domestic steel industry accounted for 20%, but steel construction accounted for less than 4%, while the steel shelter only 2% of the total construction area of the house at the mercy of the same goal difference compared with developed countries several times.

Whether it is the policy direction or market rumors, people support "green building" almost was one-sided trend.

With the new rapid advance of urbanization, the construction industry to upgrade track and build industrial policies, standards, standards continue to improve, steel construction is ready to go, which is more intuitive feel in Hua Hin. Huaxing Steel construction of a total built up area of 340,000 square meters of apartment-German enjoying Shandong Zibo (real estate) City, a collection of living, health, sports and other functions into one, and the whole project to create a unique, fabricated steel body , compact design integrated floor system, especially the new wave of web timber, in terms of construction and materials even better. Huaxing company using self-developed a new type of construction wave web timber, such a large span of the new material, than the average savings of more than 30% of H-shaped steel timber, while the strength of steel, but better than the general comfort of steel construction, is superior to the traditional reinforced concrete construction.

Guangde apartment home for all its beam system works with a wave of web members Huaxing Steel Company produced. For the implementation of high standards of production requirements, Huaxing Steel Company for the production process has been optimized to take temporary installation at the ends of the web "auxiliary board" approach based on the length of the fly plate girder webs short features, technology department, making the web flush with the wing, to ensure the robot wave web production equipment for the steel beams in the complete imaging scan, greatly improving the accuracy of component weld size.

Like building blocks to build a house

Like making cars and building blocks to build a house! It sounds incredible, but the dream was alive in the steel construction is completed. Explore the steel shelter, is to use factory, industrial pipeline operations, will create walls, roof and other components and parts needed for the house, according to the size of the room well, and then transported to the site for equipment integration, built on a like "building blocks" cover up.

"The construction of industrial modernization" was not the same person have a different interpretation of the steel industry, the want is resource intensive, well-built, functional comprehensive, industry cycle and so on. Throughout the development of the domestic real estate market change in the situation over the past decade, housing prices have boasted property Gangster golden age has passed. Facing a new round of market changes, green construction into a consensus, construction companies enthusiasm is also high, with our common demand, steel construction industry will undoubtedly become a "meat and potatoes" under the new economic normality. Far in 2014, many companies in the field of industrial action residence frequently, and even some earlier action has started the construction of the steel structure in Denver!

Industrial innovation, the emergence of new materials, intelligent equipment came into being. Steel industry prosperity residence, change the past, "single," the short-lived type of change, this transformation is a departure from the raw materials, production equipment, research and design of the package. For example Huaxing company, independent research and development wave web production equipment, developed a new wave of web construction steel timber, with supporting steel construction also skilled design team, formed a "technology + equipment + services" steel construction industry, "Made in force."

Huaxing done to explore steel industry, it is because of the development, a new type of timber used in the materials, energy saving, green, green occupying a "starter" advantages, such as practical, it is not the same as the member section of the span and height steel savings of more than 30%, the wave of the web span greater carrying capacity is higher. After today, after a second-generation technology upgrades Huaxing Bo web equipment, has entered the linkage debugging, features second-generation wave of web production equipment that can suppress webs 14mm welded on the wing, which spans the original will be 2-3 times, which will build schools, hospitals, airports and other large-span steel structure to provide high-quality building materials.

Speed up the real estate "to stock"

Standardization do matching, factory into a volume, automated to human, intelligent efficient, promote the integration of integration. Relying on "five" and pushed the advantage again if blessing "house built construction general contracting level talent," the Ministry of Housing, industrial steel companies such as "full layout" and its ability to break one can imagine.

In Beijing (real estate) subway line six projects, the successful application of the waves of the web, open the Huaxing Steel's "subway era." Large span, high strength, fine stucco exterior handle, the wave of the web is not only practical in the subway project in the "superior" and its inherent momentum, but also works side by side with the super.

Because access to "house construction project general contracting talent," in terms of Huaxing, various spans 40 floors below the house construction project, the construction of 240 meters below the object, 200,000 square meters and below the main residence residential steel project Huaxing can undertake construction.

"Not only do the main, and water, electricity, heating, gas, we have to make a high standard of facilities, to form a unified standard." Huaxing Steel general manager Zhang Yong this view, at the beginning of the construction design, Huaxing go is the "standard way", who can be made to integrate the standard "exaggeration", from technical design procedures designed to shelter rules, and then welding, fire, corrosion standards are in accordance with iron nails style "standardized" execution. This is precisely made for the upholstery factory produced components, precision equipment and technology from the guarantee, to factory production transformation that automation and intelligence support, do nothing, anything, in order to promote, produce efficacy can quickly progress, but also able to demonstrate the advantages of performance.

Concept in the green construction process of the formation, the more relevant for other construction. After the construction of the assembly taken to create, structure decoration integrated "fit", greatly reducing the construction project of intermediate links, shorten the construction period. House panel with steel truss floor boards, so that the floor is more behind. For Huaxing, the independent implementation of reinforced truss factory production, no templates and scaffolding, only this process would shorten the construction period than 1/2 of conventional concrete.

In the innovative wisdom, the new material is "a menace", materials and structures solved this problem, directly contributed to the integration of the cast insulation wall decoration. The information in the process of handling multiple specialized systems ERP, PKPM-CAD, 3D3S, etc., from structural modeling to production and processing, the whole process is complete digitization handle, that is, something to build on, only unexpected, not done reach.

Estate's "destocking" voice still ringing in, steel shelter industrial change is strong. Many business predators, but also keen insight adjust the capital to invest, many of whom ran the steel industry, the implementation of their plan Nuggets. At this time, Huaxing Steel has also come to explore the road, in the process of industrialization in the steel construction, to catch the "top of trains."

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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