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Steel painting project quality inspection records

Time:[2014-11-19]  Hits:5266

     Ⅰ basic requirements and content

     (1) anti-corrosion coatings, painting several times, coating thickness shall meet the design requirements. When designing the coating thickness no requirements, the total thickness of the coating dry film: Outdoor should be 150μm, which allows deviation -25μm. Each coat dry film thickness over the allowable deviation for -5μm. Check number: the number of random 10% by members, and the like should not be less than three members.

     (2) thin coating of fire retardant paint coating thickness shall comply with the relevant fire resistance design requirements. Thick coating fireproof paint coating thickness, 80% and above area should comply with the relevant fire resistance design requirements, and the thinnest thickness of not less than 85% of the design requirements. Check number: the number of members of similar checks by 10%, and should not be less than three.

     Ⅱ verification methods

     (1) verification of design documents, test reports, verification of anti-corrosion coating dry film thickness of the coating meets the requirements.

     (2) the number of verification checks for compliance.

     Ⅲ approved in principle

     Where any of the following circumstances, the project approved as "do not meet the requirements."

     (1) anti-corrosion coatings, fire retardant paint coating dry film thickness does not meet the requirements.

     (2) Check the number does not meet the requirements.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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