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Using the Internet to buy a house thinking steel residential launch of "private customized"

Time:[2014-11-1]  Hits:4689

 The first half of 2014, net purchases of scale in China reached 1.1 trillion yuan, while only 754.2 billion yuan last year, the net purchase from a single species but also clothing, books extended to food, household appliances, Mobile phones and other fields; therefore, insiders believe online shopping in people's lives greatly facilitated, while also penetrate more deeply into the real economy in various industries.

However, if you want via the Internet, on-demand residential units, decor, home support, from the location, the floor of the trade-offs, to the bathtub color, select hardware outlets, every detail of the house can be "private custom", so interesting Internet "shopping cart" type of experience you are sure to buy a house is the first time I heard.

In fact, steel residential construction today's increasingly sophisticated technology, has been committed to open up the industry chain "Renduermai" Steel Enterprise, is through standardized green integrated industrial system, will in the future of the "Internet buyers' into reality .

Of course, just not enough to ensure the quality of construction in order to achieve net purchase "steel housing," and to enhance users' shopping experience, "How will customization apartment, renovation program, electrical program and" build a house "in all aspects of organic to integrate, manage, operate, is the real difficulty lies.

Although the network is now "private custom" Steel Residential investment has not yet practical, but this set of personalized custom home carrier - Hangxiao self-developed steel housing, has declared 66 national patents, which have been approved 24. In this technology systems, Hangxiao creative use of the concept of the beam pipe which not only enhances the spatial integrity and availability, and make improvements in all aspects of cost and time, sound effects, earthquake and fire prevention, greatly enhance the user's visual living experience.

"Custom personalized residential sales through the network, but also to further reduce the cost of sales of intermediate links." Vice President Hangxiao Sui smiled and told the author, fashionably speaking, this is called with the "Internet thinking" to sell the house.

Obviously, the "Internet thinking" blueprint Hangxiao now envisaged, combined steel housing features, advantages, and more breakthrough innovation.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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