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Protection of housing construction steel building new forms of accelerated run-up

Time:[2014-10-25]  Hits:5331

Data show that from 2011 onwards, China entered the construction of affordable housing "buildup" stage. To 2014, the country plans to start a new urban housing projects to protect more than 7 million units (including all types of shantytowns 4.7 million units or more), the basic completion of 4.8 million units, as of the end of August, 6.5 million units have been started, basically built four million sets , respectively, 92% and 83% annual objectives and tasks, completed an investment of 950 billion yuan.

Accelerate the construction of affordable housing at the same time, in order to fit the country's overall economic development of the "ecological civilization" transformation, protection of housing construction form is changing. It is understood that from 2014 onwards the government investment in the construction of affordable housing, we must use the industrialization of the way the building, in addition to six other provinces, the local conditions of the west gradually forming ability and conditions modernization construction industry development; new residential, residential According to the construction industry should increase the proportion of 2%.

As the housing industry's actual participants in shantytowns and protection of housing construction practitioners, Zhejiang Hangxiao Limited ("Hangxiao"), chairman of the single silver wood that "industrial production, assembly of construction" and other are the main features of the housing industry. Actively promote the housing industry, will be represented in Hangxiao new building enterprises to create good market opportunities, beneficial to the intensification of technical advantages into full play, to provide continuous power for the protection of housing construction.
In this regard, Energy and Technology Secretary, Department of Housing and Building Yang Rong said that through the construction of affordable housing, the first implementation of building energy efficiency and green building standards, and promote the process of the housing industry, will effectively promote awareness of the whole society, prompting the society as a whole to enhance building standards .

Indeed, on the one hand, the construction of affordable housing is in full swing, on the other hand, in the absence of sufficient number of high-pressure and financial capital background, the protection of housing construction funds are increasingly approaching. Therefore, trying to look for other ways to protect the housing project "blood transfusion" is the local government and banks to complete the construction target of choice: Use the directional tool to introduce market funds is one of them.

In this regard, as the representatives of the construction, according to Xinjiang, has won the bid to protect shantytowns housing project chief engineer Fanghong Jiang Hangxiao introduced Hangxiao is through a combination of advanced residential steel beam forming architecture and TOC (Theory of Constraints) management system, halve the duration of the project to achieve the purpose. This will also bring the cost of capital reduced by half, halve management costs, facilities costs by half and a series of huge gains added space. This affordable housing project to ease the financial pressure play a key role.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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