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Thinking to buy a house using the Internet to subvert the traditional steel homes for sale mode

Time:[2014-10-18]  Hits:4850

  The first half of 2014, the net purchase scale of China reached 1.1 trillion yuan, while only 754.2 billion yuan last year, the net purchase varieties from former times single garment, books extended to food, home appliances, mobile phones and other digital field; however, if you want after Internet-demand residence apartment, decor, home support, from the location, floor choice, to bathtub color, choose hardware outlets, every detail of residence are able to "private custom", so interesting Internet "shopping cart" type of property experience is certainly the first time I heard you.

  Steel residence favored Internet "shopping cart" to buy a house can be expected

  It is understood that the development of China's steel shelter despite a late start, resulting in a smaller scale than steel shelter Europe and other developed countries, but the skills are not lagging behind, especially in the high-rise steel shelter project to Hangxiao Steel Company, represented by , and even a world-class skill level.

  Of course, just to ensure the construction quality is not enough, in order to complete the online shopping "Steel residence" and to enhance users' shopping experience, "How will customization apartment, renovation program, electrical program and" build a house "in all aspects of organic to integrate, manage, operate, is the real difficulty lies.

  In fact, the steel itself. "Standardization, industrialization," the industry DNA, from birth residence customization will become a reality. "We will provide dozens of apartment owners, dozens of the whole kitchen, bathroom design, small TV, bedside cabinets choose what brand, were able to complete the online shopping cart."

  According to Foshan Steel reports, which have been incorporated into a set of systems standardization system Hangxiao residence, the same it's like fast food professional products and service model, customers can choose the "package", but also be able to choose "single product", "menu "practice will consider the full range of needs of various owners.

  Skills online shopping experience breakthrough innovations shelter resident broke the unspoken rules of real estate

  In fact, as early as the first, millet Lei Jun, chairman mentions thinking to use the Internet to build a house, houses: According to the housing needs of the customer base, pick a good family and public comments, and sold through the network channels. Lei Jun even spot bluntly, if dry millet mode of real estate, it may just a couple of years time, we can achieve 50% market share.

  Obviously, Hangxiao now envisaged plan, not only with the LEI "Internet thinking" coincide, but on this agreement, combined with the characteristics of steel shelter, strengths, and more breakthrough innovation.

  Of course, if this plan can be completed, the traditional real estate career, now is not so simple a blackmail. First, steel residence in the early construction work, it will overturn the traditional style of construction estate Cuhao create mode, to build a green star standards; secondly, steel shelter itself has a seismic disaster mitigation, environmental protection and other significant performance advantages; Finally, after the Internet to reduce costs, better quality products, cheaper prices, to form the user is the ultimate experience of God, let people buy their own shots to build their own house.

  Sui said that the tide of the Internet is now thinking to break through the barriers of traditional occupations. In a large number of Foshan Steel as representative to the skills of the new innovation-oriented construction company stocks move lower, the "Internet to buy a house" becomes a reality, it is not just changes to the original way to buy a house, but a profound revolution . It represents the strength of a peer, breaking the information asymmetry opaque owners, developers, sales offices between the reduction of intermediate trading links, intermediary costs, is to re-build model for all real estate for sale, to overturn the traditional sales of "bad hidden rules", so that people can buy more cost-effective house, this is the greatest value of the Internet to buy a house.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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