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Steel ball bearing fixed seismic characteristics

Time:[2014-10-11]  Hits:5538

 Abstract: Seismic hinge bracket fixed to bear tension and compression, shear (lateral) force, the role of the huge random seismic forces, as long as the upper and lower structure itself is not damaged, so the kinds of bearings presence would not have happened off the beam , landing gear and other disastrous consequences (generally speaking, bearing a weak link in the powerful earthquake force, falling beams and frame drop prone, and such bearing strength and ductility are higher than the structure itself), so especially suitable for fortification highly seismic zone, have the ability to be able to withstand earthquakes of intensity 9.
Seismic steel ball bearing is based People's Republic of China Communications Industry Standard "highway bridge rubber bearing basin" (JT391-2009) and steel seismic design code (GB50017-2003), through detailed statics, dynamics analysis and research into a new type of seismic rubber bearing basin in tension and compression. Steel hinge bearing series seismic tension and compression mount bracket compared with other series, not only reasonable seismic damping structure, more reliable performance, but also in the ocean-atmosphere-resistant bearing surfaces, UV embalmed, to ensure and extend the branch seat life.
Steel hinge bearing series seismic tension and compression bearing includes a fixed bearing, one-way bearing activities, bearing three types of two-way activity, bearing specification is divided into 22 levels, bearing vertical design capacity, design corner, friction coefficient according to the design requirements of the relevant standards. Its level of capacity, the overall strength of the vertical uplift and bearing than ordinary bearings have greatly improved. The series bearing elastic damping element, with a clear mechanism of clear structural parameters stability, excellent damping performance characteristics. This series of bearings for large-span spatial structure and large-span slab, especially for highly seismic areas of engineering structures.
Steel ball bearing fixed seismic characteristics
1, Supports Material stainless steel, Teflon slide, rubber seals and other standards according JT391-1999 execution. Cast by GB / T11352-1989, GB / T14408-1993 standards. 2, can be universal rotation, universal bearing, can well meet the upper structure of the various loads (such as dead load, live load, wind, seismic force, etc.) transfer reaction force generated by the rotation movement requirements to ensure that the anti-force force concentrated, clear, safe and reliable.
3, the fixed hinge bearings to withstand seismic tension and compression, shear (lateral) force, the role of the huge random seismic forces, as long as the upper and lower structure itself is not damaged, so the kinds of bearings presence would not have happened off the beam, off the shelf and other disastrous consequences (generally speaking, bearing a weak link in the powerful earthquake force, falling beams and landing gear can easily occur, and such bearing strength and ductility are higher than the structure itself), it is particularly suitable for fortification highly seismic area, with the ability to be resistant to seismic intensity of 9.
4, fixed seismic hinge bracket compared with other support (such as laminated rubber bearing, rubber bearing basin, etc.), QKGZ ball bearing seismic static stiffness, under the enormous weight and inertia force force, branch produces only minimal deformation of the seat can reliably guarantee the building.
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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