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Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium on the 15th completed Badminton will be held next month

Time:[2014-10-11]  Hits:5123

 As of November this year, Badminton Open venues, Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium civil Strait projects, installations and decoration has fundamentally completed, ongoing commissioning and outdoor finishing device will be officially completed on the 15th.
In another development, the main body of the intermediate structure Strait main stadium, the roof has been fundamental end devices, is conducting layer and three on the ground, watching the construction mesa layer construction and steel structure outside the walls and blind football field guide tube; indoor Swimming pool masonry masonry and paving the game has ended, pipelines, roof unit has entered during the mop-up; tennis stadium in the middle of the bottom of the construction has been completed.
In addition, in accordance with the athletes' village project completed by the end of May 2015 to promote the progress of the North Lot 22 apartments have all been capped player into during renovation.
In the county (city) district new venues, the stadium has been the end of the main construction Jinan District, the main stadium; Mawei District Stadium completed before the end of testing in accordance with the progress of the program to promote; Changle City, the main structure of the stadium construction and interior masonry wall has ended, pipeline device has entered the mop-up, ongoing interior decoration and curtain wall construction; Changle City Water base boathouse, stands, end tower main structure has ended, interior decoration and construction in progress; Minhou County Coliseum main concrete structure, grid structure and glass curtain wall structure construction has ended; Lianjiang County Coliseum in accordance with the progress of the program before the end of the completion of testing, driven by the end of the main structure has been entered during the interior decoration and construction.
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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