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The construction of passenger ties at Yanji West Station is busy on the first day of the "Eleventh" holiday

Time:[2014-10-8]  Hits:5181

The green dense mesh construction workers concentrate, white and blue steel in the country quiet erect. "Eleven" holiday on the first day, the reporter went gemcitabine station integrated passenger link extension project site, in addition to the highest point of the main construction of the steel structure hung a festive red flower, the entire site quiet busy, serious and orderly, and Suri is no different.

Liu Changsheng construction site person in charge told reporters that the project was started in late April this year, next year October 1 hand over, short construction period, large projects, while ensuring the safety and quality of construction, they are limited to seize before the freeze multi-catch construction progress, the National Day we stick to their posts, more than 80 workers, the method can only be spent in overtime.

Yin Liansheng oldest workers have been 58 years old this year, the master, the old man who lives in Longjing Town, due to start at six every morning, only at night, call it a day, we can only live in the site, the National Day holiday, the children are all back, he also failed to return home party. Shen teacher who lives in Yanji crane drivers, more than 5:00 every morning from home leave, he accurately to the high side of the steel framework of partner delivery device materials, while witty to say, when there is time to look at the big cap hanging flowers, since a festive feel even find some rest.

Interview Foshan Steel learned that the project and Ji-Tu Hui gemcitabine passenger dedicated high-speed rail station connected to the extension, according to a passenger standardized construction, with a total investment of 210 million yuan, a set of road passenger transport, urban public transport, rental passenger in one, is the traffic one part and Jilin "second five" plan key projects, during the first phase of construction area of ​​11,363 square meters, the main construction contents include Terminal, city bus link, taxis and social vehicle parking lot, designed for 10,000 people sent to / day. The project is currently the subject is closed, the ongoing interior decoration and brush fire retardant paint and other processes, this year steel tile and insulation will also be completed, to be completed next year to build railways, highways, urban public transport interchanges put distance will be used.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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