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Yangtze River economic belt caught again surrounded

Time:[2014-10-8]  Hits:5079

Yangtze River economic belt caught again surrounded

"" Wu prefix "the company's transformation is still too late." Ye think, "The biggest reason Wu prefix" all the decline is that the company five years ago, mostly in really aware of the problem, when the mall is now is preempted almost the same. And as Guangzhou and other places, at the beginning of the 1990s had been planning adjustments.

Yeh believes that seemed at the time, Wu boats and Wuhan Iron and Steel's restructuring is still relatively successful large companies in the country ranking, Wuhan Iron and can hold before the 50 position, and intensive farming has been the main arms ship industry, steel industry to carry out together . Let Yeh surprise, the big stage in the Fair's opening night, was described as the biggest lift domestic indoor arena, also from Wuchang Shipyard hands. Together, some companies began to use securities and other capital and capital to carry out ways to diversify, but also have a certain referential. Foshan Steel

Yeh suggested that the transition was not smooth the company can test with a large central enterprises or foreign collaboration, the use of already existing brand value to attract investors. When carried out in full swing at the time of the Yangtze River economic belt, "Wu prefix" Companies must learn to seize the opportunity, seize the opportunity to build a manufacturing base, the company completed surrounded again.

When carried out in full swing at the time of the Yangtze River economic belt, "Wu prefix" Companies must learn to seize the opportunity, seize the opportunity to build a manufacturing base, the company completed surrounded again.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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