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Seismic capability of steel live all no future?

Time:[2014-9-10]  Hits:4846

Seismic capability of steel live all no future?

Ludian earthquake caused the collapse of a large number of local houses, once again to focus attention on the seismic capacity of the house. Some experts pointed out that China is one of the earthquake-prone countries, and a large number of domestic construction still choose traditional civil, concrete structure, easy to attack collapsed in the earthquake. For this reason, many experts and industry calls for the construction of seismic capability of steel shelter.
Hsiao Zhejiang Hangzhou Steel Co., Ltd., one silver wood that "the construction of earthquake-resistant steel represents the future." According to reports, steel has good ductility, energy seismic waves can be offset. In addition, with respect to other structural steel, light weight, it also greatly reduces the impact of the earthquake effects.
Steel industry calls for the construction of homes not only because of its strong earthquake, "green energy" is also an important reason. China Steel Association Secretary General Liu Wanzhong thought, and vigorously promote the construction of steel production model, from the origin to break the current "build waste Fortress Besieged" dilemma. Zhejiang, China Steel Industry Association president, said Fang Hongjiang commentary, fabricated steel construction create mode selection, as long as the construction work, no pollution; built from steel to build the life of the average 80-year term, even if they are removed, the steel construction of the main structural materials recovery above 90%, compared to traditional concrete waste emissions reduced by 60%.
In addition, increased efforts to promote the construction of steel structures, bringing increased demand for construction steel, while steel prices could partly resolve the chronic overcapacity; on the other hand can provide an effective path for the National Steel strategic reserve. Long time engaged in research and development and strategic planning of the steel industry and steel company development engineer Chi Jingdong would think, China produced about 50 percent per year of steel for the construction areas, to promote the construction of steel and steel-related companies will be marked with a record of strong "catalyst." 方鸿强 then thought, steel construction and high recovery, once creating a large, steel construction has become a potential "steel storage warehouse," the.
How many marks an economic power and economic developed country or a region the extent of steel construction. After 2008, under the impetus of the Olympics, China emerged steel construction boom, and built a large number of steel stadiums, airports, railway stations and high-rise construction, best known to the number of "Bird's Nest" was.
April 2010, the construction of the National Assembly raised the steel industry, in addition to landmark projects and venues, should comprehensively promote the construction of steel construction system in the residence. Subsequently, under the impetus of the national authorities, some areas of the city shelter has started a pilot steel. However, at present, China to build shopping malls average annual house construction completed in about 2 billion square meters, which accounted for only about 6 percent of steel. The United States and other developed countries, the share of the residence of steel more than 30%.
China Steel Association, the Committee of Experts that 任陈禄 such analysis: the development of Chinese steel shelter, not only subject to the level of economic development, technology and commodity support, is also subject to the people's ideological resistance - mainly for lack of sufficient knowledge of steel shelter, that the price of steel shelter "high"; another developer much thought to their own economic interests, the lack of long-term thinking industry.
In the industry view, although the cost of steel shelter cost is higher than traditional home a lot, but because steel shelter can save labor costs, 70% of the process can end in factories, on-site installation to create fast, can build companies save manpower, money, time costs. In addition, steel shelter was higher than the traditional residence room, per square meter, the more the 5% of the use of the area, people can gain benefits.
In April this year, the Ministry of Housing approved the first batch of 15 steel companies for house construction works construction contract pilot companies, which means steel construction industry realized on the structure and mechanism of further "relaxed." Blueprint since June, the country has promulgated a "green building action plans and corresponding implementation specifications", in order to build the steel structure for the construction of large-scale application on behalf of the Green preliminary revealed.
Industry analysis, along with the advance of urbanization, China will have hundreds of millions of square meters of urban residence mall year, so there is no problem of steel shelter mall. So the key is not the ability to open up the market, is not a good steel shelter commodities, steel homes can achieve industrialization. After all, not only is the choice of steel steel homes to create a house, you also need complete set of supporting products, such as sanitary ware, plates and so on. To do this, steel companies to improve the power and skill levels as soon as possible, to achieve lower cost. Industry authorities should actively guide the steel industry to the healthy and orderly development. .

Foshan Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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