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Galvanized steel material introduced

Time:[2014-9-6]  Hits:4635

   Electro-galvanized steel: galvanized product is the cold rolling mill rolling again after annealing CAPL unit into Elecrochemical through surface cleaning, the role of the electric field, the zinc from the zinc salt solution continuously deposited onto the pre-prepared process on the surface of galvanized steel surface layer obtained. Continuous galvanized cold-rolled steel sheet and strip for automotive, electronics, home appliances and other industries. Delivery to the main coil delivery, sheet and strip may also be needed to get through the transverse shear or slitting. 
   Different uses of electro-galvanized steel sheets, can be phosphating, passivation, oiled and fingerprint resistant, alloying products obtained after processing, which corresponds to about the mechanical properties of the reference substrate.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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