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Steel plant of welding process

Time:[2014-8-30]  Hits:4311

Steel plant of welding process

     This question directly affects the quality of the project attributed to the primary question, so this type of question it is necessary to see the company through the use of specialized professional view things only to view, judge them, usually based on the type of weld defects inside into slag, undissolved together, such as porosity. Foshan Steel

     Welding processes. The process works attributed to shade one step is also the most prone to the quality of questions from the 2004 report of a company's product quality accounting flashes occur in the process of quality questions: Because the quality of welding seam resulting in failure rates as high as 80% , and secondly because the wrong operating procedures and technical questions of the operator and the resulting weld quality doubt accounts for about 10%.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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