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Type steel structure steel structure engineering

Time:[2014-8-26]  Hits:4894

Type steel structure steel structure engineering

      In civil engineering, construction and other Foshan steel cable structure. On road and rail, there are various forms of steel bridges, such as plate girder bridge, bridge analysis, arch bridge, suspension bridge, stayed bridges. Steel tower and steel is widely used as a transmission line tower mast, television broadcasting tower. In addition, offshore oil platform steel construction, steel tower and other satellite launch.
Steel structure building construction
     Despite all of these steel construction purposes in the form of different, but they are made by steel plate and steel processing, made of various basic components. Such as rod (sometimes including cable), struts, beams, columns and truss, etc., then these basic elements must be connected by other components constructed by welding and bolts.
     Single house bear vertical loads, horizontal loads (wind and crane braking force, etc.). Truss and to cover a plane load-bearing structure composed of a series of major bear gravity loads and lateral horizontal load. The plane bearing structure and longitudinal members and a variety of support with (as shown in the winding lateral support between the vertical support columns law and support, etc.) together into a whole space, ensure that the entire construction space in all directions as a geometric change system.
     Plane load-bearing structure of the house except with a single truss and columns composed, but also can be made solid web of beams and columns composition structure or arch. Structure and can be made into three-hinged arch, two hinges into no hinges, can also be used span truss arch.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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