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Foshan will be built into most characteristic landmark of steel construction

Time:[2014-8-2]  Hits:4924

Foshan will be built into most characteristic landmark of steel construction

Foshan in the construction of a new landmark - "Square Tower"
Will become a new landmark in Foshan Foshan Cultural Center - "Square Tower" is located next to Foshan Century Lotus Metro Sports Center, the building on the ground 17 floors and 2 underground floors, very irregular shape, unique frame design, unique features . Square tower with 9 "square box" superimposed into the steel building, after it has completed such as Guangzhou "waistline" The general function of the city to visit, along with multiple features pavilions, including a 1200 professional theater.

Will be completed in the next year, "Square Tower" will be the most characteristic of Foshan steel buildings.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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