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Foshan Banfangchanzheng with the conditions required to buy Penthouse steel room

Time:[2014-7-30]  Hits:4860

Foshan Banfangchanzheng with the conditions required to buy Penthouse steel room
Actually bought more house repossession Forward House, the developers require owners to spend 86,000 yuan to buy. Owners of a local developer recently ran into such a "strong sell" action. Eventually, the owners take legal action, the court sentenced the contract of sale.

Outrageous: developers sell steel strong room
January 2010, Ms. Choi selected Pu Lan Road, Chancheng District, set in the sale of forward delivery housing, according to the agreed 签购房合同, after paying the down payment, the bank lending is completed in full. Forward House repossession July 2011, Ms. Choi is not fitting and use, and pay property management fees and utility charges 118 yuan a month so far.
Always to April this year, the sales office developers to notify Ms. Choi Banfangchanzheng, but actually the other made ​​a "condition": Demand then pay about 8.6 million. She rose to her original face day to purchase this penthouse, there is a room in Foshan Steel. Miss Choi told developers must be the 7.1 m2 room together buy, or not to Banfangchanzheng. She rose to her on the spot to be rejected, and made check-out. But the developers were not always answered. Recently, Ms. Choi will be the developer sued, pleading decree lifting the two sides signed the "real estate sales contracts."
Room. Miss Choi told developers must be the 7.1 m2 room together buy, or not to Banfangchanzheng. She rose to her on the spot to be rejected, and made check-out. But the developers were not always answered. Recently, Ms. Choi will be the developer sued, pleading decree lifting the two sides signed the "real estate sales contracts."

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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