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Steel plant routine maintenance and upkeep of the building?

Time:[2014-7-19]  Hits:4140

Construction of steel plant routine maintenance and conservation?
1, after we Foshan Steel plant installed on the owners concerned, can not be allowed to modify its structure, can not remove any of the bolts and other components, can not increase or reduce the wall, what if the site needs to change if necessary and vendor negotiation about, to judge by the manufacturer can not be changed. Use of steel in about three years after the curing time is necessary to use the paint, giving the construction and aesthetics and safety. Steel plant Steel components are connected, so the use of electrical equipment, such as what is the use of wire trunking line pipe barrier to avoid electric shock incidents.
2, Steel plant must be regularly cleaned and maintenance, then the demand under normal circumstances a year to conduct an inspection and maintenance. When steel plant exterior cleaning needs careful not to have chaos phenomenon can not use steel balls, abrasive scrubbing of detergent and other products, while rinsing with clean water should be from top to bottom. A similar object twigs, leaves, etc. should be timely finishing off, to avoid unnecessary trouble backlog under the steel plant. Steel plant metal plate appearance promptly repair any damage to avoid the sun and rain corrode metal plate surface. If demand high flexibility brushing using all nanomaterials used for maintenance metal roof, and play an effective role in thermal water, indoor air-conditioning energy saving.
Steel plant conservation and maintenance of life on the use of steel has a great touch, so the owners have paid enough attention to them. If encountered in the conservation and maintenance of what issues should contact a professional steel manufacturers, for assistance.
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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