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Steel General Setup

Time:[2014-7-12]  Hits:4926

Steel usually means the program is:
Foshan Steel components View-based review beam steel columns supporting device device device platform plate (laminates, roof) device maintenance structure of the device.
For example:
- A multi-storey car factory paint shop program for the steel plant equipment:
View the basis of the review and the bottom component processing device between the steel columns supporting device main beam column secondary beam device device device cap plate steel roof purlins device device horizontal, vertical roof support device device device wall plates.
Another example:
- Bolt ball grid node device altitude bulk Act procedures:
Capitals elevation retest movable scaffolding platform erection drawings by planning to put line on the platform by means of ingredients to order six sets of rods mounted on the center line of the device grid transition plate, bearing device chord truss rod balls and equipment abdominal wound ball and rod means chord sequence to the first axis by axis grid cell to start the first device to complete the first ax
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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