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Building structure can be divided into several categories?

Time:[2014-7-9]  Hits:5223

Building construction can be divided into several categories?

First, based on the characteristics of the building constructed in the shape classification
(1) single-layer structure (1 to 3 layers, and more for single plant, canteens, theaters, warehouses);
(2) multi-layer structure (2 to 6 layers);
(3) high-level structure (typically 7 or more layers);
(4) large-span structures (a span of 40 ~ 50m).
Second, the material structure according to the classification used
(1) reinforced concrete structure;
(2) masonry construction (brick, stone masonry, small block, big block, brick masonry);
(3) steel structure Foshan Steel;
(4) wooden structure;
(5) plastic construction;
(6) film inflatable structure.
Third, the main structure of the building constructed in accordance with the classification of the form
(1) wall structure (to the wall as a support level and assume a horizontal force component structure);
(2) frame structure (beams and columns rigidly connected by a skeleton structure);
(3) Frame - shear (shear wall) structure;
(4) shear structure (wall Jicheng came when the horizontal component of vertical load, but also bear the force of wind and seismic horizontal load coming);
(5) cylinder structure (composed by the shear wall or frame tube composed of dense columns);
(6) truss structure;
(7) vaulted structure;
(8) grid structure (to do the roof truss);
(9) space thin-walled structures (including the shell, folded plate, episodic structure);
(10) cable structure (suspension structure to cable or steel rod as the main load-bearing components).

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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