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The domestic steel industry will usher in the era of headquarters economy

Time:[2014-7-5]  Hits:4600

Steel invest 10 billion yuan by the Foshan, covering 60 acres of China's steel industry headquarters and R & D base in Hangzhou Qianjiang Century City, the project was held recently at the signing ceremony. Liu Jun, president of the Association of Steel, director of the CMC Qianjiang Century City, the town mayor Zhonghua Cheng Wai Ning.
  He said, Xiaoshan is "China's steel town", according to statistics, in the first quarter of this year, 150 more than the size of the region's steel structure, network enterprise value of 4.973 billion yuan industrial sales, an increase of 45.9%%; profit 1.4 billion, an increase of 27.5%, industrial output growth in sales in the region's leading professional ranks first, the second largest profit growth.

Steel industry headquarters in Guangzhou, Foshan, Foshan will make a "headquarters economy" base leading national steel industry, leading the development of the national steel industry, is among the world's advanced level of steel to make a positive contribution.

China's steel industry is the headquarters for the national service organization specialized technical occupations steel for steel supply scientific career information, technical guidance, quality testing, messaging and business training, experience exchange and other services

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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