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With the central and western railway construction engineering machinery benefit

Time:[2014-6-28]  Hits:4793

With the construction of the central and western railway construction machinery benefit

         This year, the central and western railway construction funding arrangements and production to further increase the proportion of new lines, respectively, accounted for the national proportion of 78% and 86%. Accelerate the Midwest Railway construction, engineering machinery can seize the opportunity to take a large-scale construction of the railway east, and finally be able to benefit.

         Railway construction planning arrangements in accordance with the Midwest, "five" the first three years to complete the construction of the central and western regions invested 1.15 trillion yuan, 7,000 km of new lines into operation, accounting for respectively 72% and 58%. This year, the central and western railway construction funding arrangements and production to further increase the proportion of new lines, respectively, accounted for the national proportion of 78% and 86%. With the implementation of a large number of railway construction projects, the railway will play a role in promoting the development of the western region, while promoting coordinated regional development, positive impact on the construction machinery board also bring unpredictable.

         Rail is an important national infrastructure and livelihood projects, is the main artery of the national economy and the popularity of transport plays an important role in the national economy and social development. With the need to improve China's railway construction techniques and western regional economic development, railway construction focus has gradually shift from east to west, and this year is nearly 80% of the funding to invest in the Midwest region of the country.

         Railway funded large-scale, long chain. Accelerate the construction of the railway, you can increase the effective demand for steel and other building materials, digestion reasonable remaining capacity, stimulating the development of domestic manufacturing and other industries with large. In the equipment manufacturing industry, the impact of construction machinery and demand is huge. Railway construction is inseparable from mining machinery, lifting machinery, rotary drilling rig, earthwork construction machinery, concrete machinery, engineering machinery can be said to cover most of the models, built from the embankment to the railway bridge engineering, to the late Foshan Steel station house engineering, construction machinery demand in very different amounts of each, plus the construction period is relatively long, the demand for equipment naturally large.

         Accelerate the construction of railways in central and western, central and western regions will become the gospel of economic and social development, and engineering machinery can seize the opportunity to take a large-scale construction of the east rail, and finally be able to benefit.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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