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Steel zinc corrosion spray aluminum spray technology advantages

Time:[2014-6-21]  Hits:4433

Steel zinc spray antiseptic spray aluminum skill advantage
United States because of the high labor costs, the cost of using arc spraying anti-corrosion construction is even lower than the heavy-duty paint. After decades of trials proved Foshan Steel spraying skills are the best way to long-term preservation, this conclusion has been in many countries in the world recognized by government departments and engineering. Compared with arc spraying flame spraying, because the use of electricity instead of gas combustion, greatly improving the work efficiency and job security, in particular the emergence of mechanized equipment arc spraying, arc spraying skills completely meet the needs of the bridge construction period, and the arc temperatures well above the flame, coating adhesion is also much larger than the flame spraying, coating quality and therefore also fully meet the needs of long-term preservation.
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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