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Development trend of China's steel industry in 2014

Time:[2014-6-7]  Hits:5077

Development trend of China's steel industry in 2014, in the next period of time, within the following several areas of steel consumption will be added:

Foshan steel housing adds. The state promotes the construction of energy-saving dwelling houses, and such steel housing design specifications and supporting technology, basic materials have. As of the completion of 600 million square meters per year 5% of urban residential construction steel selection, according to multi-layer, high-rise building steel 50 kilograms per square meter basis, steel consumption will reach 1.5 million tons per year.


Due to thermal power plants will continue to accelerate the pace of construction, the main plant and boiler steel steel consumption will be added.

Bridge Traffic Engineering will be added. Railway bridges are made of steel, steel highway bridges choice in recent years has also become a trend, therefore, with the addition of a bridge construction project will also increase the amount of steel.

Because Chinese steel prices, labor costs are lower than those of the world, and good quality steel, therefore, in the world construction market has a strong competitive edge. In recent years foreign enterprises in China have added volume purchases of steel, many steel plants are to undertake overseas orders.

Municipal construction of steel structures chosen amount will be added. Subway and light rail projects, urban overpass, viaduct, environmental engineering, urban public facilities and temporary housing so more and more choice of steel, especially in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing and major provincial cities and economically developed medium-sized cities , steel consumption will be significantly added. Beijing Olympic Games, Shanghai World Expo and Guangzhou Asian Games, World Youth facilities in Shenzhen will have a large selection of steel buildings.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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