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Non-spatial layout construction layout system damage

Time:[2014-6-4]  Hits:4458

Non- spatial layout construction layout system damage

After the earthquake, the damage layout ( especially collapses ) and casualties caused by the damage is often much attention . In the prevention of earthquake failure Foshan Steel layout is invested a great deal of manpower and resources, and has achieved remarkable results. In contrast to the non- ceiling system layout system represented in each of earthquake damage is also extremely serious , and not only bring direct economic losses , but also the impact of earthquakes in personnel escape, even after the effects of the earthquake emergency command , delaying reconstruction work .

In addition, the proportion of investment in modern architectural layout Africa often exceeds the layout system itself , especially in the terminal building and other spatial layout has a special function of the use . Because the layout of the system after the earthquake, the function of non- interruption losses caused by the building itself is likely to exceed the value several times , each domestic terminal and other non- distribution system because of damage caused by the phenomenon of interrupted function have occurred after the earthquake , in addition to economic foreign loss relief is to bring a certain prejudice . Stadiums and other buildings in the spatial layout of this situation is also particularly notable , stadiums are often used as an emergency command center as well as victims in settlements . Play a more important role in the earthquake relief , the need to use the function can not be interrupted under its earthquake , which requires non- layout system to work properly.

Damage to the spatial distribution of African studies currently less layout , and even damage the data is not comprehensive, non- plan layout seismic lack of appropriate standards, perhaps no earthquake -related planning and layout of the system of non- seismic planning layout engineers and non- layout planners responsibilities are not clearly demarcated , seismic study of the spatial distribution of non- existence of multiple blank layout system in urgent need of further study.

After the earthquake happened , people tend to attach great importance to whether the damage to buildings ( especially collapses ) , as well as economic losses due to building damage caused casualties and reconstruction , and less emphasis on non- damage condition layout . Non- fixed layout component refers to building components and parts , except bearing skeleton system , including non- load-bearing walls , attached to the floor and roof elements , decorative elements and components , fixed on the roof of the large storage racks , and earthquakes Africa layout damage caused as much damage effects even more than the layout of damage. First, the economic loss is likely to greatly exceed layout damaged. Secondly , non- layout interior damage not only directly damage staff , but also blocked escape routes , the impact of earthquakes in panic to escape to the outside of the crowd . The special focus of the class or fortification fortification class buildings, such as airports, nuclear power plants, stadiums and other large buildings, non- layout function will bring damage interrupts the leakage of hazardous substances , hindering more serious consequences , such as disaster relief .

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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