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Urging industrialized steel building industry chain alliance

Time:[2014-5-28]  Hits:5134

Recently, the annual National Conference of the construction of the steel industry in Wuhan, concluded that the General Assembly to " build industrialization" as the theme, explores the steel for the construction of industrialization, new towns and green development path of sustainable development , as well as the construction of the whole industry and other chain businesses depth collaboration and alliance topic. Foshan Steel industry sources, the construction can be beneficial to promote industrialization depth industrial chain collaboration and alliances between enterprises , help enterprises to open up new markets.

President of the Steel Industry Association of Zhejiang Province , Zhejiang Hangxiao [ 0.66% funding research report] Corporation Chief Engineer Fang Hongjiang conference as keynote speakers of this conference is proposed to promote the use of steel construction has become China's traditional industrial modernization construction industry to build and new construction of industrial transformation and upgrading of important content. Fang Hongjiang said that a new system has the potential to open up the construction of industrial premises , between the construction industry , metallurgical industry , machinery and equipment manufacturing , new materials industry , disaster prevention and mitigation of industrial , energy-saving environmental protection industry , green construction industry, national strategic resource reserves industry boundaries , as a new set of economic transformation and upgrading and promoting the country to achieve sustainable development, the need to accelerate the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries, which is generally optimistic about the steel industry to build the system .

Experts said that steel construction can greatly improve the quality and safety of construction technical standards , and promote the construction of China's traditional industries to upgrade transformation , but also can be built throughout the whole life cycle of "reduce, reuse , recycle ." the scientific development concept , enabling the efficient use of resources and recycling targets , and neither will create a depletion of resources, and will not cause environmental pollution and ecological damage , all kinds of resources can be recycled using a new model of urbanization of .

It is understood that the development, planning and construction of integrated steel construction practice in the country has a number of industrial enterprises with demonstration projects . As an important part of the new construction of industrial steel housing industrialization, China 's first steel housing industrial base has settled Hangxiao . It is reported that with the construction of in-depth practice of industrialization, the depth of cooperation steel industry chain related business and products are constantly strengthening , steel companies also continue to reach collaborative alliance with the upstream business. Under all walks of life have made ​​the development of green construction forecast favorable , how to grasp the main business enterprise , share dividend policy , win market opportunities , will be the main idea of ​​the healthy development of the industry in the future .

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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