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What are the advantages and disadvantages of lightweight steel structure housing?

Time:[2023-8-30]  Hits:1111

The light steel structure residential system is very close to the wooden structure residential system, and its advantages and disadvantages are also fundamentally similar. In the North American market, wooden structures dominate the mainstream, for a simple reason. Wood is cheap there, and steel structures have no economic advantage. In Japan, the share of light steel will be higher.


Good structural performance, lightweight, high-strength, and excellent seismic performance

Steel can be recycled, which is more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly than masonry and concrete

Factory processing with guaranteed quality

Lightweight and low foundation cost

Short on-site construction period

There is no wet operation on site, and there will be no pollution such as dust and sewage generated

Structural components

Small cross-section, slender columns, thin walls, and large construction area


Skilled technical workers are required for installation

The cost may be slightly expensive

Relying heavily on industrial support, such as prefabricated wall panels and roof panels

Fill the wall with insulation materials and fireproof materials. Concrete and masonry structures currently prevalent in China

The method is essentially on-site wet masonry, while lightweight steel structures require dry prefabricated wall panels.

There is still a significant difference between the method of installing water heaters, air conditioners, and picture frames on prefabricated wall panels and the current method of installing them on masonry walls, such as profiled steel plates, which require a complete set of interior decoration materials, equipment, and methods

Waterproofing and sound insulation methods for the floor.

Regular maintenance is required because the durability of steel is not as good as that of concrete, and it is not as "spicy" as concrete

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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