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Scope of steel structure quality warranty

Time:[2023-3-25]  Hits:1552

The scope of steel structure quality warranty generally includes the following aspects:

1. Warranty Period: Generally, the warranty period for steel structure engineering is two years, that is, from the date of completion acceptance, free maintenance will be provided for project quality issues within two years.

2. Foundation engineering: The quality warranty scope of steel structure engineering includes related foundation engineering, such as foundation, groundwater level control, foundation settlement, and other issues.

3. Steel quality: The quality warranty scope for steel structures also includes steel quality issues, such as steel strength, toughness, deformation ability, and other issues.

4. Welding quality: The scope of quality warranty for steel structures also includes quality issues related to steel structure welding, such as weld joint strength, weld quality, porosity, cracks, and other issues.

5. Surface treatment: The quality warranty scope for steel structures also includes quality issues related to surface treatment, such as corrosion prevention, rust prevention, and paint spraying.

6. Installation quality: The scope of quality warranty for steel structures also includes installation quality issues, such as installation plans, installation processes, node connections, and other issues.


In summary, the scope of quality warranty for steel structures should cover the entire process from design, material procurement, manufacturing, processing, installation, to acceptance, and should be specified and negotiated based on specific circumstances.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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