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Can the steel structure be strengthened by bonding steel

Time:[2022-12-21]  Hits:1183

Nowadays, the application of steel structure has become an important choice for many buildings. Many buildings prefer to use this kind of structure, of course, because it has very good stability, so that it can slowly replace wood structure and become people's favorite.

However, the steel structure will also face various problems in the use process. For example, it is very vulnerable to the role of the external environment. If it causes certain harm to itself, then its stability will decline. At this time, it is necessary to carry out some reinforcement work. What kind of reinforcement method should be used for steel structures? Can it be strengthened by bonding steel? Today, I will give you a brief analysis of this aspect.

First of all, we should carefully understand why the steel structure will show the problem of unqualified bearing capacity. Under normal circumstances, there are the following reasons. For example, its service time is too long. In fact, it is often said that the service time is long, resulting in a decline in the bearing capacity. In addition, it may also be the problem of temperature difference, which causes the deformation of the component and cracks, or it may suffer from long-term corrosion due to external factors, or it may be the leftover problems caused by operation errors during the construction period.

Then the use of bonded steel reinforcement to strengthen the steel structure can achieve good reinforcement effect. By pasting the steel onto the steel structure surface, we can successfully transfer part of the load it receives to the steel, thereby relieving the burden of the structure and preventing the occurrence of excessive stress concentration.

What's more, after the implementation of bonded steel reinforcement, the appearance and size of the original members have little change, and there will be no concern about increasing the weight of the members. Therefore, the influence on the original structure is small. In addition, this reinforcement method is also relatively fast, and can complete the reinforcement operation without shutdown.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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