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Four Embodiments of Grid Steel Structure Building Superior to Concrete Structure

Time:[2022-12-10]  Hits:1475

Steel structures have good mechanical properties, strong ability to bear dynamic loads, and superior seismic performance, which enable them to play a full role in the construction field and are widely used in high-rise buildings, long-span public buildings, industrial plants and other types. With its unique material characteristics, the grid steel structure can be built in a novel and unique way. The grid steel structure can achieve the special effect that the brick concrete cannot achieve.

In recent years, China's light grid steel structure construction industry has developed rapidly, which is mainly used in light industrial plants, granaries, stadiums, exhibition halls, mobile houses, storey adding construction, building materials, furniture and other types of trading markets. The development of grid steel structure market in China has a very broad prospect, which conforms to the national policy of protecting the environment and land resources. The total amount of steel products in China ranks first in the world, providing a material basis for vigorously developing grid steel structure. The steel structure is a green and environment-friendly building, a resource-saving building, with the characteristics of circular economy, and can drive the application of energy-saving and environment-friendly materials. The steel structure conforms to the basic national policy of energy conservation and environmental protection, and meets the requirements of developing circular economy, building a conservation oriented society and sustainable development.

Compared with concrete, grid steel structure has the following advantages:

1. The use of concrete and bricks and tiles has been greatly reduced, and the excavation of rocks around the city has been reduced, which is conducive to environmental protection;

2. It can be used for dry construction, saving water, occupying less land, producing less noise and dust;

3. When the service life of the construction is expired, the structure removal will produce less solid waste, and the recovery price of scrap steel resources is high.

4. As the self weight is reduced, the amount of soil taken for foundation construction is small, and the damage to the precious land resource is small; The steel structure is uniform, close to isotropic homogeneous body, with high strength and elastic modulus. The ratio of its density to strength is far less than that of masonry, concrete and wood. Under the same stress, the steel structure has a small self weight, and can be made into a structure with large span and high height and a flexible structural shape. Now humans have the ability to build super large domes with a span of more than 1000 meters and super high-rise buildings with a height of more than 1000 meters and more than 4000 meters. And the combination of cable and membrane structure can better meet the span requirements of construction, making this type of construction a landmark construction.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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