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What should be done for steel structure workshop reinforcement?

Time:[2022-11-16]  Hits:1277

It is inevitable that various problems will occur in the use of steel structure buildings, especially when they are used to a certain extent and for a certain period of time, some quality problems will inevitably occur, so what should be done to strengthen steel structure plants?


Before the reinforcement planning of the steel structure workshop, the reliability appraisal should be carried out in accordance with the Code for Reliability Appraisal of Industrial Buildings and the Code for Reliability Appraisal of Civil Buildings. The content and scope of the reinforcement planning should be determined according to the appraisal results; At the same time, according to the severity of the structural damage consequences and the requirements of the user, determine the safety level of the strengthened building structure.

Keep and use the original structures and components as much as possible to avoid unnecessary removal and replacement, and ensure the safety and durability of the reserved parts; Recycling and reuse of materials shall be considered for the removed parts. In consideration of comprehensive technical and economic indicators, measures shall be taken from the planning and construction organization to reduce the construction period as much as possible, and the reduction of strikes and production stoppages shall not affect the use of buildings as much as possible.

The steel structure workshop is damaged due to high temperature corrosion, freeze-thaw oscillation, uneven settlement of foundation and other reasons. The reinforcement must also consider eliminating, reducing or offsetting these adverse factors to avoid further deterioration and secondary reinforcement.


Then the reinforcement methods of steel structure workshop also include the following categories:

1. Enlarged section reinforcement method: this method has simple construction technology, strong adaptability, and mature planning and construction experience; It is applicable to the concrete reinforcement of beams, slabs, columns, walls and general structures;

However, the wet operation time of on-site construction is long, which has a certain impact on production and days, and the building clearance after reinforcement has been reduced to a certain extent.

2. Replacement concrete reinforcement method: the advantages of this method are similar to that of the enlarged section method, and the clearance of buildings will not be affected after reinforcement, but there is also the disadvantage of long wet operation time of construction;

It is applicable to the reinforcement of concrete bearing members such as beams and columns with low concrete strength or severe defects in the compression zone.

3. Bonded wrapped steel reinforcement method: this method is also known as wet wrapped steel reinforcement method, which is characterized by easy stress, simple construction, small on-site workload, but large steel consumption, and should not be used in high temperature places above 600C without protection;

It is applicable to the reinforcement of concrete structures that are not allowed to significantly increase the section size of the original members, but require a substantial improvement in their bearing capacity.

4. Reinforcement method by pasting steel plates: this method is fast in construction, no wet operation on site or only a few wet operations such as plastering, which has little impact on production and days, and has no significant impact on the appearance of the original structure and the original clearance after reinforcement, but the reinforcement effect depends largely on the adhesive process and operation level;

It is applicable to the reinforcement of flexural or tensile members under static force and in normal humidity environment.

5. Reinforcement method of pasting fiber reinforced plastic: in addition to the similar advantages of pasting steel plates, it also has the advantages of corrosion resistance, moisture resistance, almost no increase in the dead weight of the structure, durability, low maintenance costs, etc., but requires special fire prevention treatment, which is applicable to concrete structural members and general structures with various mechanical properties.

6. Wire winding method: the advantages and disadvantages of this method are similar to those of the enlarged section method; It is applicable to the reinforcement of concrete structural members with insufficient diagonal section bearing capacity, or the occasion where lateral restraint force is required on compression members.

7. Anchor bolt anchoring method: this method is applicable to the reconstruction and reinforcement of concrete bearing structures with concrete strength grade of C20~C60; It is not applicable to the above structures and light structures that have been severely weathered.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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