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Steel frame warehouse has become the main structure of logistics storage

Time:[2022-7-25]  Hits:1988

With the development and growth of the logistics industry, steel frame warehouses are also constantly being upgraded. The function of many traditional warehouses is increasingly unable to meet the rapid development of the logistics industry, and the new automated steel structure warehouse is replacing the traditional warehouse, and the steel structure has become the main structure of logistics warehousing.

The new steel structure logistics warehouse is an important part of the logistics industry, and this warehouse is a kind of warehouse with a high technical level at present. Racks, roadway stackers, warehouse direct work platforms, automated access and operation control systems are the main body of the warehouse combination. The shelves are made of steel structure, and the outstanding advantage is to achieve the rational operation of the warehouse structure, maintain automation and simplify operation. It employs computer or bar-code technology in management.

The new steel structure multi-layer logistics warehouse greatly saves valuable land resources and is 2-5 times the utilization rate of civil warehouses. The convenience of steel frame warehouse is conducive to the formation of advanced logistics system and strengthens the production management level of enterprises. Traditional warehouses are just warehouses of goods, and storing goods is only a function. However, at present, the new steel frame warehouse is one of the important production lines for external procurement of enterprises and their production into automated storage, and is an automated system. Dynamic warehouses, in contrast to traditional static warehouses, have to align goods not only with the warehouse's automatic storage needs, but also with the production connections of external warehouses. Then, the steel frame warehouse through the computer management system and automated material transportation equipment, so that the warehouse becomes an important part of the enterprise production logistics. The advantage of this kind of warehouse is that it can reduce inventory and improve work efficiency, at the same time, it also becomes safe and reliable, effectively reducing the loss of goods, and also ensuring the safety of workers. Then, the new steel frame warehouse can also form an advanced production connection to promote production promotion.

Fast, new, automated, recyclable and economical energy saving are the modern development trends. The new steel frame warehouse has these advantages, suitable for this society, can provide more convenience, higher efficiency. Looking for the new steel frame warehouse will make the enterprise get more excellent development.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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