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Main reinforcement construction methods of steel workshop building reinforcement

Time:[2022-2-17]  Hits:2034

The reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures has been seen a lot, but do you know how to do the reinforcement of steel structures? Where are the common steel workshop building reinforcements generally used? Common steel workshop building reinforcement is mostly used in cooling towers, steel workshop buildings, steel structure interlayers and other places.

The main methods of strengthening the steel workshop building are:

Reduce the load, change the calculation graphics, increase the cross-section and connection strength of the original structural members, and prevent crack propagation. When there is mature experience, other reinforcement methods can also be used.

The identified steel structures that need to be reinforced are generally divided into local reinforcement and comprehensive reinforcement according to the scope of damage. Local reinforcement is the reinforcement of a bar or connecting node with insufficient bearing capacity.

Comprehensive reinforcement is the reinforcement of the overall structure, there are two types of reinforcement methods without changing the structure static calculation graphics and changing the structure static calculation graphics. Adding or strengthening the support system is also an effective way to strengthen the structural system. The reinforcement method of increasing the original member section is the most expensive and labor-intensive method (but it is often a feasible method); the method of changing the calculation diagram is the most effective and diverse, and its cost is also greatly reduced.

The construction methods of the reinforcement structure of the steel workshop building are as follows:

Load reinforcement, unload reinforcement, and removal of parts that should be reinforced or updated from the original structure for reinforcement. The construction method for the reinforcement of the steel workshop building should be determined by the designer and the construction unit through consultation according to the user's requirements and the actual stress state of the structure, under the premise of ensuring quality and safety.

(a)Reinforcement with load: the construction is the most convenient and economical. It is used when the stress of the component (or connection) is less than 80% of the design strength of the steel, or when the component is not significantly damaged (broken, deformed, warped, etc.). At this time, in order to make the new reinforced rod participate in the force, sometimes it is necessary to take temporary unloading measures for the reinforced rod. In addition, care should be taken not to affect the normal use of other components during reinforcement.

(b) Unloading reinforcement: It is suitable for when the structural damage is large or the stress state of the components and connections is very high, and its load needs to be temporarily relieved. For some structures that mainly bear movable loads (such as crane beams, etc.), their movable loads can be limited, which is equivalent to most of the unloading.

(c) Remove the parts that should be reinforced or updated from the original structure: when the structure is severely damaged or the bearing capacity of the original section is too small, it must be reinforced or updated on the ground. At this time, temporary support must be provided to completely unload the replaced component; at the same time, the safety of the entire structure must be guaranteed after the replaced structure is removed.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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