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Is the method of the building structure more solid?

Time:[2022-1-22]  Hits:2382

The building structure is a kind of force system in the building, made of the building material, which can bear various pressure. According to different building materials, divided into concrete structure, masonry structure, steel structure, light steel structure, wood structure and composite structure, while Foshan steel structure is a common structure we can see, often in large factories, venues, high-rise and other places.
Foshan steel structure material with high strength, high elastic modulus, compared with concrete and wood density and the ratio of yield strength is relatively low, and therefore under the same loading conditions section of steel structure is small, light weight, convenient transportation and installation, suitable for large span, height, weight bearing structure. The steel structure bears the impact and the dynamic load, and has good seismic performance, so it is easy to use in the factory production and construction site assembly.
Compared with other construction, steel structure has advantages in use, design, construction and comprehensive economy. It is low in cost and can be moved at any time. Foshan steel structure workshop has the advantages of light weight, less foundation, less material consumption, low cost, short construction period, large span, safety and reliability, beautiful appearance and stable structure.
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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